Thursday, July 8, 2021

Macaroni and Cheese




8 oz pasta

6 oz colbyjack or pepperjack 

4 oz cheddar

6-7 oz heavy cream


Cook pasta one minute less than package directions.


While pasta is cooking, combine cheeses and cream. Microwave at 30% power for 5 minutes. Stir. Continue cooking at 30% power, stirring every 1 to 2 minutes, until cheese is melted.


Drain pasta. Stir into cheese sauce and mix well.


Yield: 4 main dish servings or 8 small sides


This is good with added seasonings, meat and/or veggies as well! 




Reduce melting time for smaller proportion, increase for larger.


12 oz pasta

9 oz colbyjack

6 oz cheddar

9-10 oz heavy cream


6 oz pasta

4.5 oz colbyjack

3 oz cheddar

4.5-5 oz heavy cream


4 oz pasta

3 oz colbyjack

2 oz cheddar

3-3.5 oz heavy cream


2 oz pasta

1.5 oz colbyjack

1 oz cheddar

1.5-2 oz heavy cream